Villa Sparina and Graziano Caccioppoli: United by Taste and Creativity


Villa Sparina and Graziano Caccioppoli: United by Taste and Creativity

08 August 2023

Villa Sparina’s La Gallina restaurant celebrates its second year with the chef from Campania, who aims to offer high-level and distinctive cuisine: one that is faithful to tradition and to a type of taste that never goes out of style.

Villa Sparina is more than just a winery and a farm. It is an extraordinary microcosm of taste and hospitality nestled among the vineyards of Gavi, in the province of Alessandria. A resort surrounded by nature, where the abundant Piedmontese tradition turns into an ode to wine quality, the art of living well and good food.

At Villa Sparina, one rediscovers the pleasure of “otium”, which is not merely «indulgence», but the «fulfillment of the soul». A delightful type of relaxation that combines goodness and beauty, under the discreet and enthusiastic guidance of the Moccagatta siblings, Stefano, Tiziana and Massimo: an extraordinary example of an intergenerational alliance of entrepreneurs and winemakers.

A union between taste and beauty that resonates in the dishes made by Graziano Caccioppoli, a Michelin-starred chef who offers a «modernly ancient» cuisine featuring locally sourced ingredients and a carefully curated selection of producers from Piedmont and Liguria. His is a culinary journey through classic Piedmontese dishes, featuring “side trips” to the flavors and atmosphere of Naples, along the sunny streets of his childhood.


Born in what used to be an old barn overlooking the estate vineyards, La Gallina is Villa Sparina’s panoramic restaurant. It offers guests the opportunity to dine in front of one of the most evocative views of Gavi: the hills of Monterotondo. We are in one of the most prestigious crus in the area and the birthplace of Monterotondo Gavi DOCG del Comune di Gavi, one of the winery’s iconic labels. The kitchens and dining rooms, entirely renovated and enhanced with terraces and private areas, reflect the love and dedication of the Moccagatta brothers to their territory: an ode to Gavi and its visionary prospect to offer Michelin-starred hospitality in the future.

Just like the Michelin-starred cuisine proposed by Graziano Caccioppoli, who took over the reins of La Gallina in 2022 after earning his first Michelin star in a restaurant in Genoa. Caccioppoli expresses himself through harmonious, intense and recognizable dishes, forgoing excessive experimentation, as well as forced or extravagant elements of certain contemporary cuisine. His cooking is based on genuine and authentic flavors that, as the chef himself said: «Recall grandma's recipes, but with a contemporary touch». These are flavors embedded with memories (from Piedmont, Liguria and Caccioppoli’s childhood in Naples) that can revive vivid sensations that fully embody the Italian tradition, reinterpreting it – through creativity – in a faithful, innovative and approachable way for everyone.

Among Caccioppoli’s dishes (aside from those inspired by Piedmontese tradition), two special menus stand out: «Conosciamoci», consisting of four courses: a short journey through his most iconic dishes that vary according to the season; and «Ci penso io», a tasting personally curated by the chef: a seven-course mystery adventure that will delight and conquer high cuisine enthusiasts.

For appetizers, the chef has devised proposals that include Egg, zucchini, bread, and bottarga; Roasted tongue with shrimp, nettles, and bagnèt verde; Cod and panzanella; Meatballs, foie gras, and watermelon; Scallop, bread, and mortadella. The first courses include classics like Gavi ravioli pasta and the chef’s most iconic dish, Gnocchi with pesto, Spaghetti with tomato sauce; Pasta, potatoes, and provolone cheese, as well as Linguine pasta with smoked butter and lobster. Among his main courses, we find Free-range chicken breast stuffed with foie gras; Pizzaiola-style ribs, and Tripe and snails.

The dishes are extremely straightforward («simple and delicious», according to the chef) and masterfully prepared to convey a specific taste and territory, revealing the quality of the raw materials from the hills of Gavi as well as the gastronomic culture of Piedmont and Liguria, intricately linked by the historic “Via del Sale”, which connected the Alps to the Ligurian Sea.

A brand-new addition in 2023 are vegan dishes, entirely inspired by the flavors of nature and interpreted by Caccioppoli in the menu «Il Giardino», dedicated to guests who follow a plant-based diet and to those who wish to try a light and flavorful cuisine. La Gallina also offers a wide selection of gluten-free dishes.

And wine? The list includes red and white wines that (obviously) come from Gavi, but also the finest selection from Piedmont as well as those from Champagne. There is also the special “Ottosoldi” monographic list, dedicated to the wines from the Marsiaj family.


La Gallina is open for lunch on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and for dinner every evening of the week.


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