Ceretto: the excellence of wine, the beauty of art


Ceretto: the excellence of wine, the beauty of art

11 September 2023

Ceretto is one of those producers who have been able to transpose into wines not only the exceptional identity of the Langhe, but also the richness of the different vines and their character shaped by soils, climate, exposure and human work.

Riccardo Ceretto had this complex vision of terrors since the 1930s, when he began producing wine. His sons Bruno and Marcello perfected their father's intentions when they decided to purchase vineyards in some of the best areas of Barolo and Barbaresco. Today Riccardo's grandchildren, the third generation of the Ceretto family (Lisa, Roberta, Alessandro and Federico) lead the company.

In the company's four estates (Monsordo-Bernardina in Alba, Bricco Rocche in Castiglione Falletto, Bricco Asili in Barbaresco and Vignaioli di Santo Stefano Belbo) Ceretto produces the excellence of Langhe wines: Barolo and Barbaresco are the flagships together with the main denominations of the area, such as Langhe Arneis; Nebbiolo, Dolcetto and Barbara d'Alba; high quality Asti and Moscato d'Asti.

The year 2000 was a turning point for Ceretto: more sustainable viticulture in the vineyard and the start of many new projects, including hazelnut production with Relanghe; wine import with Terroirs and the collaboration with Enrico Crippa, chef of Piazza Duomo restaurant (three Michelin stars) and La Piola bistro, in Alba.

The beginning of the new millennium sees a renewed commitment to art and design. The Bricco Rocche winery is expanded with the addition of the "Cubo" (Cube), a structure with a transparent and frameless design overlooking the vineyards. In 2009, the "Acino" was inaugurated on the Monsordo Bernardina estate, a transparent bubble that seems to be suspended over the vineyards and is open to tastings, events and conferences. Even the "Barolo Chapel" in La Morra painted by the artists Sol LeWitt and David Tremlett is an act of love by Ceretto for its territory, today a true landmark of a land that, in addition to wine, produces beauty.

Why visit Ceretto?

  • An excellent winery in the Langhe

  • From the Acino terrace, suspended over Monsordo Bernardina vineyards, you can enjoy one of the most spectacular views of the Langhe

  • Ceretto is an immersion between art and design: the Acino, the Cube, the Barolo Chapel are perfect examples of how wine can dialogue with culture